Sunday, June 9, 2013

Medium to Slow...

Something that keeps running through my mind as the kids and I ride our bikes and walk around town is "medium to slow...".  This was one of the overarching themes of a retreat in which I participated last month.  The retreat was sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington (my church!) and was for women of any age, though the title was, "The Second Half of Life: Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom".  The program was centered around the book of the same title, by Angeles Arrien.

 The retreat was a wonderful experience, just short of 24 hours, but filled with opportunities to meet and talk with interesting, engaged, caring, intelligent, lovely women.  I am grateful to have had the opportunity! 

Throughout the retreat, the facilitators encouraged us participants to slow down.  They challenged us to think about moving medium to slow in this extra-fast paced world.  It was and is a challenge for me.  I often find myself rushing for no reason at all.  I spent some time as a server in a restaurant and I often go into "server mode", trying to do 12 things at once all around the house. 

However, my WALBICUS efforts are causing me to move slower in many ways.  One thought that helps me is to think about "what do I have to do next that is so important to make me rush through this?"  A quick run to the library becomes a 1/2 day or more event, and proves to be extremely enjoyable when we ride our bikes instead of driving.  We prepare our bikes, check the tires, fill water bottles, load up a backpack with snacks and books to return, put on our helmets, and probably several other little tasks I can't think of at the moment - before we even leave the driveway.

I am very thankful that I have the ability to be with my kids each day and to even take the time to do these things with them.  I worked full time for many years, and now being able to take care of them each day is something I treasure.  I will continue to think (and hopefully act) "medium to slow" as much as possible as our summer continues.  It's been awesome so far!!!


  1. A great, thoughtful post, MB!

  2. Inspiring MB...I look forward to reading more about your summer adventures sans auto. Since H is pre-biking age I'm trying to transport him in the stroller to fill in for the times I'd rather be biking.
